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This daylight savings time thing has been a pain for WAY too long, and I think I’ve finally got it figured out for everyone.

This release is for the pro version only, as it fixes an issue with schedules. If you are still having problems after downloading this update, PLEASE let me know. (I don’t really want to deal with this issue anymore, but I will if it’s still broken.)

The issue (so you know what to look for) is that when you choose the time for your schedule, the previous screen would show a different time. For example: in the time picker (where you choose hour and minute), if I chose 8:30, the text telling me what time the schedule was for (in EDT) said 7:30 instead of 8:30. In some areas (like GMT) it would show 9:30 instead of 8:30. There was also a problem in Alaskan time (AKDT/AKST).

This should now be fixed for all time zones, and all possible DST configurations. If it is still broken in your area, let me know and I can look into it further.