GUI Euchre

GUI Euchre is a graphical representation of a euchre game which was originally written as a command line (DOS) program. The GUI in the name was added when the Graphical User Interface (GUI) was built to replace the command line interface.

GUI Euchre is a euchre game for Windows. It is played by one human player with a computer partner, playing against a team of two computer players.

The game includes many options for customizing game play and appearance. The game does not require an install.

Game options include:

  • Farmer’s hands
    • Off
    • Ace no face
    • No ace, no face, no trump
  • Stick the dealer
  • Allowing players to call “no trump”
  • Points awarded for a euchred player who was going alone(2 points or 4)
  • How many points to play to
  • Setting player names

Display options include:

  • Card color
  • Designs for the Ace of Spades card
  • Counter card suits
  • Table color

The game also keeps track of many statistics, and includes achievements for players to unlock!

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