Auto Respond, Tic Tac Toe 1.1.1

I just published a small update to Auto Respond. This update moved some menu items around a bit, and added a new item “My Other Apps”. This will take you to a market listing where all of my apps will be listed. Right now that list only includes Auto Respond and Tic Tac Toe.

I also published a small update to Tic Tac Toe. I added menus, similar to the ones in Auto Respond (with the exceptions of settings… although I may add a couple small settings later.)

There is now a Credits screen, a Help screen, and a few other menu items.

The “My Other Apps” item was also added in Tic Tac Toe. PLEASE NOTE that if you click this item in Tic Tac Toe and are using a tablet, you will ONLY see Tic Tac Toe in that list, as Auto Respond is not currently available on tablets. (I hope to eventually build in functionality for DeskSMS and TabletSMS, at which time it will be available on tablets.)

As usual, these updates are not available quite yet, but they have been published. They should get pushed through Google’s servers in a couple hours.